The Mentorship Programme is a mentoring that is individually tailored to assist organisations in developing certain competences. The need of this Programme was underlined in the course of the selection to the NGO Academy, when it became clear that some organisations need individually tailored support. The Programme aims to help organisations to become stronger while providing them a long-term mentoring in developing certain competences. Organisations are invited to take part by forming teams of 2-4 people. At least one of the team members must hold a leading position within the organisation and the team of organisations must undertake to participate over the whole planned duration of the Programme. Organisations are not required to invest their own funds.

The Mentorship Programme consists of the following phases:

  • Analysis of the current situation of the organisation carried out during plenary sessions: identifying available resources and competences, aspirations and the use of resources and competences.
  • Identifying the need to strenghten competences and selecting the mentor who has knowledge in the field(s) concerned based on the results of the organisation's situation analysis.
  • Cooperation of the organisation and the mentor to achieve pre-defined objectives over the period of 6 months.
  • After 6 months the organisation, with the assistance of the mentor, identifies its achievements, sets its objectives and plans independent actions necessary to achieve these objectives.

The Mentorship Programme is a project of the Open Lithuania Foundation financed by the Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE).